Monday, March 7, 2011

Rapid Profit Formula Review

If your interested in getting into the physical products markets I have found a great course for you. a lot of good material with both PDF's and videos (that you can download if you wish).

1. Find a high search volume/low competition keyword phrase
2. Build a wordpress site with the "exact keyword phrase" in the domain name (.com/.net/.org)
3. Add content and build backlinks

By doing the 3 steps above, you can expect your "tiny site" to get first page Google ranking within weeks to a month, depending on the competition of your niche.

This is probably one of the best courses I've seen for at least 12 months.

The course teaches people who to build affiilate sites with Wordpress, that promote primarily physical products. You can use the same principles I teach for Clickbank if you wish, but there is so much money in physical products!.

It includes 24 coaching videos, divided into 7 core modules, each module coming with an accompanying PDF. There's a HUGE amount of coaching on SEO and the science behind how to get web pages to the top of Google for competitive keywords.

A lot of courses teach you to go after longtail phrases, but in Rapid Profit Formula I provide serious SEO training for the real keywords. The best part is that I actually show a profitable affiliate site throughout the course for people to follow along with.

I can personally recommend this product, it is one of the most complete course I have used. So check out Rapid Profit Formula you won't regret it.
Creating Profitable Affiliate Sites is Easy When You Know the Secrets to it...


There are many reasons for this, a few key being that companies who sell physical products, often advertise offline, in magazines, on billboards, on the radio etc...

This drives people to Google to search for their products. But that's not all, because a lot of physical product brands are well known, people tend to TRUST them a lot more.

With an e-book there is no trust whatsoever to start with, and no brand recognition, so it's much harder to convince people to buy these products.

The next thing I realized is that there are a HUGE number of physical products out there that you can promote as an affiliate, I find new niches that I know I can make money in nearly everyday.

Amazon alone last year did 24 Billion Dollars in sales! That's right BILLION!!

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